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2。 In these shops; different ranks of artisans and masters were blurred and they worked together in the same establishment; were usually members of the same guild and religious sect; lived in the same neighborhoods; and often had family relationships。 在这些店铺中,工匠和监工之间的等级十分模糊,他们在同一机构中一起工作,通常是同一个协会以及教派的成员,住在同一个社区,而且他们之间通常还存在亲戚关系。
handle['h?ndl]v。 处理;对待;操纵
例句 1。 Derricks were built to handle the long sections of drilling pipe。 吊杆曾被搭建起来以操控钻杆较长的部分。
2。 To start the machine; you need to read the instruction first and then turn the handle left。 想要启动机器,先要阅读操作说明,然后再把手柄向左转。
例句 In the early years of the nineteenth century; when Fort Vancouver became the headquarters of the company; the populations of deer continued to fluctuate。 在19世纪早期,当这家公司的总部设在温哥华堡时,鹿群的数量仍然在波动。
impatiently[im'pei?ntli]ad。 无耐性地
例句 Unlike most major inventions; photography had made people impatiently wait for a long time。 与大多数重要发明不同,长期以来人们都迫不及待地等待摄影技术的出现。
inability[?in?'bil?ti]n。 无能,无力
例句 All of the theories about the inability to recall early experiences are rejected。 所有关于无法回忆起以前经历的理论都被否决了。
要点 inability一般表示“承担某事物的能力、技能不足”。托福阅读中还可能会用incompetence; incapacity等词代替。
inadequate[in'?dikw?t]a。 不充分的;不适当的
例句 1。 When people first started to build; the structural methods which were used to provide strength and size were inadequate because they were not based on physical laws。 当人们最初开始建造的时候,有关力度和尺寸的建筑方法都是不适当的,因为这些方法都没有依据物理法则。
2。 Only after several inadequate breaths; resulting in the considerable elevation of carbon dioxide and reduction of oxygen in the blood; is breathing effort adjusted。 只是在几次不充分的呼吸之后,血液中二氧化碳的含量适当增加,而氧气的含量则有所减少,这样呼吸才能被调整过来。
派生 inadequacy(n。 不适当)
inadvertently[?in?d'v?:rt?ntli]ad。 不小心地,非故意地
例句 Commensal associations sometimes involve one species' obtaining food that is inadvertently exposed by another。 在共生关系中,有时当其中一个物种在获取食物的时候,会被另一个物种无意中暴露出来。
incentive[in'sentiv]n。 刺激;动机
例句 1。 The incentive of the farmers who wish to conserve water is reduced because many of their neighbors are profiting by using great amounts of water。 农民希望节约用水的动机被减弱了,因为他们的许多邻居都因大量用水而获得了利益。
2。 There was incentive for American potters to replace the imports with comparable domestic goods。 美国的制陶工人用质量相当的国产商品来替代进口商品是存在一定动机的。
同义 stimulus(n。 刺激);motive(n。 动机)
income['ink?m]n。 收入,所得,收益
例句 1。 Many poor peasant families wove cloth at home for scant remuneration in an attempt to supplement meager family income。 很多贫穷农民家庭为了换取少量的酬劳而在家纺织,以贴补微薄的家庭收入。
2。 In Sweden; exports occupy 18 percent of the national income in 1870; and 22 percent in 1913。 在瑞典,1870年出口商品带来的收入占国民收入的18%,这一数字在1913年提高到了22%。
incorporate[in'k?:rp?reit]v。 纳入,吸收 a。 合并的
例句 1。 During the Tang and Ming dynasties; ceramics produced sometimes incorporated multiple colors。 在唐朝和明朝期间生产的陶瓷有时会混合多种颜色。
2。 When hypotheses are confirmed; they are incorporated into theories。 当假设被证实时,就可以被纳入理论了。
同义 combine(v。 纳入,合并)
increase[in'kri:s]v。 增加,增长['i?kri:s]n。 增加,增强
例句 Within 2;000 years; populations greatly increased in southwestern Asia。 两千年以来,亚洲西南部的人口出现大幅度增长。
要点 increase的副词形式increasingly在托福阅读中也并不陌生,表示“程度渐增地,越来越多地”。比如:The groundwater is increasingly used as a source of freshwater。 地下水越来越多地被用作淡水资源。
industrial[in'd?stri?l]a。 工业的,产业的
例句 Partly because the heat produced by burning fuel for heating; powering vehicles; and industrial production; cities tend to be warmer than their surrounding areas。 城市的温度通常比周边地区高,一部分原因是供暖、发动车辆以及工业生产而产生的热量。
派生 industrialization(n。 工业化)
industry['ind?stri]n。 勤劳,勤奋;行业;工业
例句 1。 Cultivation produced enough food to create surpluses for trade and investment as well as for supporting the larger populations that led to the growth of rural industry。 耕种带来了足够多的食物以创造贸易和投资的盈余,还为更多的人口提供了食物,而这些人同时也促进了乡村产业的发展。
2。 Beginning with the introduction of commercial radio programming in the early 1920s; broadcasting industry was created under competition and collaboration in the United States。 从20世纪20年代早期引进商业广播节目开始,广播业在竞争与合作的环境下于美国诞生了。
3。 As both consumers and industry increased with the demand for agricultural produce; agricultural land became more valuable and people tried to work the available land more intensively and to reclaim more land from wetlands and lakes。 随着消费者和工业对农产品的需求都有增加,农业用地变得越来越有价值,人们试图高度利用可用的土地并开拓湿地和湖泊。
要点 注意industry在阅读中作“工业,行业”的意思居多,但它也可以表示“勤奋”。如果industry出现在谈论一个人的品质的句子中,它有可能被用于描述“勤奋的特质”,比如:his industry and integrity“他的勤奋和正直”。
inefficient[?ini'fi?nt]a。 效率低的,效率差的;不能胜任的
例句 Therefore; he transformed an inefficient pump of limited use into a steam engine of a thousand uses。 因此,他把用途有限的低效泵换成了用途广泛的蒸汽机。
ingenuity[?in??'nu:?ti]n。 心灵手巧;足智多谋
例句 The exact function of other factors is much more difficult to check — for instance; Teotihuacán's religious significance as a shrine; the historical situation in and around the Valley of Mexico toward the end of the first millennium B。C。; the ingenuity and foresightedness of Teotihuacán's elite; and finally; the impact of natural disasters。 其他因素的确切作用更难查明,这些因素包括特奥蒂瓦坎作为圣坛的宗教意义,公元前1000年末期墨西哥峡谷及周围地区的历史境况,奥特帝瓦坎精英们的机智和深谋远虑,以及自然灾害的影响。
ingoing['ing?ui?]a。 新进的;进入的 n。 迁入;进入;就任
例句 In a countercurrent exchange system; if outgoing vessels lie near enough to ingoing; heat can be exchanged from the former to the latter before reaching the flippers itself。 在逆流交换系统中,如果从心脏出发的血管距离通向心脏的血管足够近,那么热量就可以在到达脚蹼之前在这些血管之间传递。
initiate[i'ni?ieit]v。 开始;创造;发起;让…加入[i'ni?i?t]n。 新加入组织的人
例句 1。 The concept of plant ecology was initiated by Herbert Gleason。 植物生态学的概念是由赫伯特·格利森提出来的。
2。 Those organizations initiated a rescue program。 那些组织发起了一个救援项目。
instruction[in'str?k?n]n。 教导;[常 pl。]用法说明;指示
搭配 instruction manual 用法说明手册
例句 These plants propagate by producing spores — tiny fertilized cells that contain all the instructions for making a new plant — but the spores are unprotected by any outer coating and carry no supply of nutrient。 这些植物通过产生孢子来进行繁殖。孢子是很小的受精细胞,携带着长成一株新植物所需的所有遗传物质,但是孢子没有外部表皮的保护,也无法提供营养。
同义 direction; indication(n。 指示)
intensively[in'tensivli]ad。 强烈地;集中地
例句 1。 During the 1200s; although farmers needed more arable land; they succeeded in cultivating existing land more intensively with the help of agricultural construction projects。 在13世纪,尽管农民对耕地的需求有所增加,但在农业建设项目的帮助下,他们得以更有效地利用了现有的耕地。
2。 A new village rose on the mound and at the beginning; the inhabitants hunted gazelle intensively。 一个新的村庄崛地而起,而最初的居民主要靠猎杀小羚羊生存。
intervention[?int?r'ven?n]n。 干涉,干预;介入
例句 1。 We know that the climate has undergone major changes without any significant human intervention over the past millennia。 我们都知道在过去的几千年里,气候在没有重大的人类行为干预下,也经历了主要变化。
2。 Today; river discharges are increasingly controlled by human intervention; so there is a need for international river…basin agreements。 现今,河水的流量越来越多地受到人类的干预,因此需要一个国际性的河流流域协议。
introduce[?intr?'du:s]v。 介绍;采用
例句 Trades between the West and the settled and prosperous Chinese introduced new forms and technologies。 西方与稳定而繁荣的中国之间的贸易使新的形式和技术得以引进。
要点 introduce在阅读词汇中曾多次出现,通常表示“介绍,引进;采用”,例如:The camel was introduced around the first century A。D。
introductory[?intr?'d?kt?ri]a。 介绍的;导言的
例句 To understand this question; advanced knowledge in these subjects is not required; but introductory science courses is needed。 要了解这个问题,并不要求具备关于这些学科的先进知识,但科学入门课程是必需的。
要点 该词经常出现在题干中。比如:An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below。
invest[in'vest]v。 投资;投入(时间、精力等);授予
例句 Expressive ties are formed when we emotionally invest ourselves in and commit ourselves to other people。 当我们对他人投入情感,作出承诺的时候,情感关系就形成了。
investigate[in'vestigeit]v。 研究,调查
例句 1。 An objective of this particular cruise was to investigate the floor of the Mediterranean and to resolve questions about its geologic history。 这次特殊航行的目的之一就是调查地中海的地质情况,并解决与其地质史有关的问题。
2。 The expedition investigated changes in invertebrate fauna and some unusual geologic features。 探险队调查了无脊椎动物区系的变化和一些罕见的地质特征。
3。 The program will investigate how the brain functions and malfunctions。 这个项目将研究大脑的运作以及发生故障的方式。
同义 check; probe(v。 调查)
派生 investigator(n。 研究员)
joint[??int]n。 关节;接合点 a。 连接的;共同的
搭配 joint…stock partnerships 合资伙伴关系
例句 1。 An increased credit supply was caused by investments and loans by bankers and wealthy merchants to states and by joint…stock partnerships。 银行家和富商通过合资伙伴关系对国家投资并提供贷款,这导致了信贷供给的增长。
2。 They can cause severe pain; particularly around the joints。 它们能导致严重的疼痛,尤其是在关节部位。
要点 尽管joint作为“关节”的意思最常见,但在托福阅读考试中,常见的含义除了“共同的”以外,还有“结合点”,比如:the joints of rocks“岩石的接缝处”。
literally['lit?r?li]ad。 照原文地;确实地;简直
例句 1。 Dependence on long…distance trade meant that the great empires of the Middle East were built both literally and figuratively on shifting sand。 无论是在现实中还是从象征意义上,对远距离贸易的依赖意味着中东帝国确实是建立在一片流沙之上的。
2。 The term“fossil”often implies petrifaction; literally a transformation into stone。“化石”这一术语通常暗示石化,其字面意思就是变成石头。
要点 除了“确实地”这个含义以外,literally“照原文地”这一含义也在托福阅读考试中出现过。
mental['mentl]a。 精神的;智力的;精神病的
例句 1。 This experience caused him much mental suffering。 这一经历给他造成了极大的精神痛苦。
2。 However; yawning bears no relationship to sleep patterns; and this accords with anecdotal evidence that people often yawn in situations where they are neither tired nor bored; but are preparing for im
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