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overland['ouv?rl?nd]a。 陆路的;经由陆路的;陆上的 ad。 陆上
搭配 overland flow 地表水流
例句 In the fourteenth century; political developments cut Europe's overland trade routes; with which Europe had important and highly profitable commercial ties since the twelfth century。 14世纪,政治的发展切断了欧洲的陆上商路,而这条商路自12世纪以来为欧洲建立了重要的高利润商业纽带。
overlie[?ouv?r'lai]v。 压在…上面;盖得使窒息
例句 In lowland country; almost any spots on the ground might overlie what was once the bed of a river that had been buried by soil。 在低地国家,几乎地上的任何一个地点下面都可能曾经是某条被土壤掩盖的河的河床。
pebble['pebl]n。 小圆石,鹅卵石
例句 This example is made up of pebbles of gypsum and fragments of volcanic rock。 这个样品是由石膏和火山岩碎片组成的。
pellet['pelit]n。 小团;小药丸;小弹丸
例句 When the ice pellets fall; the much smaller ice crystals in the center of the cloud may be struck by them。 当小冰丸落下的时候,云层中间那些更小的冰晶或许会被它们击中。
要点 …let这个后缀表示“小”,比如:booklet“小册子”,streamlet“小溪”等。在阅读中看到带有这个后缀的单词时,可以以此为依据猜测词义。
penetrate['pen?treit]v。 刺穿;渗透;洞察
例句 1。 Some butterflies move into spots of sunlight that have penetrated the forest floor; displaying their beautifully patterned wings through opening and closing in the bright spotlights。 一些蝴蝶飞入穿过森林中的树木照射在地面上的光斑,在光亮里忽闪着展示它们带有图案的美丽翅膀。
2。 In a microwave oven; radiation penetrates food; and then they are absorbed primarily by water molecules; causing heat to spread through the food。 在微波炉中,辐射穿透食物,然后主要被水分子吸收,这样可以使热量在食物中扩散。
同义 pierce(v。 刺穿);apperceive(v。 洞察)
peninsula[p?'nins?l?]n。 半岛
例句 The lakes on the peninsula is the habitat of various kinds of wildlife。 这个半岛上的湖是多种野生动物的栖息地。
同义 byland(n。 半岛)
permeable['p?:rmi?bl]a。 可渗透的,有浸透性的
例句 A rock is able to be neither porous nor permeable。 岩石既没有气孔,也没有渗透性。
petrifaction[?petri'f?k??n]n。 石化;惊呆
例句 Petrifaction may contain a simultaneous exchange of the original substance of dead plants or animals with the mineral matter of different compositions。 石化可能包括已经死亡的植物或动物与含有不同成分的矿物质之间同时发生的原始物质交换。
同义 fossilization(n。 石化)
plain[plein]n。 平原 a。 清晰的;简单的;朴素的
例句 1。 They are probably the paths taken by huge volumes of water that draining from the southern highlands into the northern plains。 大量的水可能正是经由这些路径从南部高地流入到北方平原的。
2。 In a flat plains country; the scientist found moraines; which reminded him of the moraines found at the end of valley glaciers。 这名科学家在一个平原国家发现了堆石,这让他想到了在冰川谷尽头处发现的堆石。
3。 Certainly; her carelessness made a mess of this plain job。 她的粗心确实把这项简单的工作搞砸了。
同义 grassland(n。 平原);unadorned(a。 朴素的)
planet['pl?nit]n。 行星
搭配 frozen planet 冰冻星球
例句 1。 When speaking of a terrestrial and a Jovian planet; the most obvious difference is their size。 当谈到类地行星和类木行星时,它们之间最明显的差异是尺寸不同。
2。 On Mars; all the water is contained in the permafrost layer; being locked under its surface now。 现在,火星上所有的水都包含在地表之下的永冻层中,被锁在其地表之下。
搭配 polar bear 北极熊;polar expedition 极地探险
例句 As the snow line; the timberline is highest in the tropics areas and lowest in the polar regions。 如同雪线一样,树带界线在热带地区最高,在极地地区最低。
pollen['pɑ:l?n]n。 花粉
搭配 bee pollen 蜂花粉
例句 Pollinators obtain food from flowering plants; that makes the plants distribute pollen and seeds much more efficiently than just disperse them by the wind。 传粉者从开花植物那里获得食物,这使植物能够比仅靠风更加有效地传播花粉和种子。
pond[pɑ:nd]n。 池塘
例句 In hilly regions; all through a dry summer a pond maintains a steady water level; in spite of having no streams flowing into it。 在丘陵地区,尽管并没有溪水流入其中,池塘在整个干涸的夏季中也能保持一个稳定的水位。
porous['p?:r?s]a。 有毛孔或气孔的;能渗透的
例句 1。 Sedimentary rocks are porous; such as sandstones and conglomerates; and they are all potential sources of groundwater of great significance。 例如砂岩和砾岩等沉积岩都是可以渗透的,它们都是重要的潜在地下水资源。
2。 Some bones are not porous enough to be effectively grafted。 有些骨头的渗透性不够强,因此无法对其进行有效的移植。
同义 leachy(a。 能渗透的)
prairie['preri]n。 大草原
搭配 prairie landscape 草原景观
例句 The Columbian white…tailed deer; was common in the open prairie country in earlier times; but now it is restricted to the low; marshy islands and flood plains along the lower Columbia River。 哥伦比亚白尾鹿在早期辽阔的草原国家十分常见,如今它们的生活区域却被限制于低地、沼泽以及哥伦比亚河下游的洪泛平原地区。
precipitate[pri'sipiteit]v。 促成;降水;沉淀 n。 沉淀物
搭配 infusible precipitate 不溶性沉淀物
例句 A great deal of water was lost by evaporation; but it returned to the ocean when it was precipitated as rain。 大量的水因蒸发而流失,最后又以降雨的形式回到了海中。
precipitation[pri?sipi'tei?n]n。 降雨量;沉淀
搭配 precipitation intensity 降雨强度
例句 There are many factors that influence the succession; such as the nature of the soil; exposure to sun and wind; regularity of precipitation; chance of colonizations; and many other random processes。 许多因素都会影响演替:比如土壤的本质、光和风的影响、降水规律、定居的机会,以及其他的随机过程。
predator['pred?t?r]n。 捕食性动物;食肉动物;掠夺者
例句 1。 Songbird species that are vulnerable to predators have evolved ways of reducing the dangers of being found and caught。 特别容易受到捕食者攻击的鸣鸟已经进化出能够降低危险的方法,使它们不会被找到并捕获。
2。 Some birds elevate their nests in higher branches maybe in order to avoid predators that are not able to climb trees。 一些鸟把窝建到更高处的树枝上,这可能是为了躲避那些不会爬树的掠食者。
同义 carnivore(n。 食肉动物)
progression[pr?'gre?n]n。 前进,进程;连续
例句 Like the scientist explained in the seminar; the fossil formations showed that evolution may be a slow progression。 如同科学家在研讨会上解释的那样,化石的形成表明进化或许是一个缓慢的过程。
同义 series(n。 连续)
promote[pr?'mout]v。 促进;提升;宣传
例句 1。 In this case; sedimentation was promoted by higher temperatures and pressures; which is responsible for the formation of petroleum。 在这个例子中,高温高压促成的沉淀是石油形成的原因。
2。 In the early decades of the foundation of the United States; the agrarian movement promoted the farmer as society's hero。 在美国建国之初的几十年间,农业运动把农民宣扬为社会的英雄。
同义 boost; advance(v。 促进)
要点 promote通常指“促进商业销售”,而在托福阅读中,promote经常与化石或沉淀物质的形成搭配,如:promote fossilization“促进石化过程”。
propagate['prɑ:p?geit]v。 繁殖;传播;宣传
例句 1。 These plants propagate through producing spores; but the spores carry no supply of nutrients and are unprotected; lacking an outer coating。 这些植物通过产生小型孢子来进行传播,但这些孢子不含有任何营养物质,也缺少外层的保护。
2。 Some tropical plants are able to be propagated from seeds only。 一些热带植物只能通过种子来进行繁殖。
同义 reproduce(v。 繁殖)
protective[pr?'tektiv]a。 保护的,防护的
搭配 protective price 保护价格
例句 1。 Protective barriers have to be built to protect seawater from flooding this area。 必须修建防护屏障以防止海水在这一地区泛滥。
2。 Coconuts are able to establish themselves in distant locations thus their seeds can maintain hard; protective coats。 椰子可以在偏远的地方生长,这样它们的种子就能保留坚硬而具有保护作用的外层。
quantity['kwɑ:nt?ti]n。 量,数量
例句 The photo evidence suggests that liquid water ever existed on the surface of Mars in great quantity。 这些图像证据表明,液体的水曾经大量存在于火星表面。
相关 quality(n。 质量)
quartz[kw?:rts]n。 石英
搭配 quartz grey 石英灰
例句 The intense heat would impact the production of heat…shocked quartz in many types of rock。 强热可能会影响多种不同岩石中热休克石英的产生。
rainfall['reinf?:l]n。 降雨;降雨量
搭配 rainfall season 雨季
例句 Rainfall is not completely lacking in desert areas; it is just highly changeable。 降水在沙漠地区并不是完全缺乏,只是非常多变。
rarity['rer?ti]n。 罕见,稀有;稀薄
例句 The difficulty of finding relationships that benefit one species without affecting the other causes the rarity of commensal relationships。 由于很难找到一种关系可以使一个物种获益的同时不影响另一个物种,因此共生关系是十分罕见的。
同义 treasure(n。 罕见)
recharge[?ri:'?ɑ:r?]n。/v。 再充电;再装填
搭配 recharge batteries 为电池充电
例句 1。 In the desert; most of the water is contained in shallow aquifers which can be rapidly recharged。 沙漠中大部分的水包含在较浅的含水土层中,这些含水土层可以迅速地被再次填满。
2。 The unprecedented development of a finite groundwater resource with an almost negligible natural recharge rate has caused water tables in the region to fall drastically。 史无前例地开发有限的地下水资源伴随着微不足道的自然回灌率导致这个地区的地下水位剧烈下降。
要点 recharge虽然多表示“充电”,但在托福阅读中则经常表示“地下水等资源的再储存”,比如:the recharge rate of aquifer。
refill[?ri:'fil]v。 再装满,再充满
例句 When the basin was refilled; the normal marine organisms returned。 当海盆被再次填满的时候,一般的海洋生物就会返回。
regularity[?regju'l?r?ti]n。 规律性,规则性;整齐
搭配 regularity assumption 规律性假定
例句 The stones of Roman wall were bonded together by both the regularity of the design and the peculiarly powerful Roman cement。 罗马城墙上的石头被有规律的设计和极其强力的罗马水泥粘合在一起。
remediation[ri?mi:di'ei?n]n。 补救;整治;修复
搭配 remediation goal 修复目标
例句 After the cultivation and harvest these years; the site would be restored at a much lower cost than the price of excavation; reburial; and the standard practice for the remediation of contaminated soils。 经过这些年的耕耘与收获,这个地方将被重建,并且重建的价格低于挖掘、再掩埋,以及标准的污染土壤治理的价格。
renewal[ri'nu:?l]n。 更新;复兴;补充
例句 The slowing down of water renewal results in a chain of further consequences: it lets dissolved chemicals to become increasingly concentrated; and this; in turn; has a bad effect on all living things in the lake。 水的补充速度放缓导致了一系列的后果:使溶解的化学品含量变得更浓,而这反过来也会对湖中所有的生物产生不良影响。
同义 recovery(n。 恢复)
reptile['reptail]n。 爬行动物,爬虫类;卑鄙的人
例句 Many amphibians species and reptiles could change their color patterns to camouflage themselves。 许多两栖动物和爬行动物可以通过改变自身的颜色来伪装自己。
reptilian[rep'tili?n]a。 爬虫类的;卑下的
搭配 reptilian creature 爬行生物
例句 The leatherback has an insulating layer which can be considered as the reptilian version of blubber。 棱皮龟的绝缘层可以被看做爬行动物的鲸脂。
resilience[ri'zili?ns]n。 弹力;适应性;(指人)乐观的性情
搭配 ecosystem resilience 生态系统复原性
例句 A plant community's long…term stability results from its level of resilience。 植物群落长期的稳定性源自其适应性的程度。
resilient[ri'zili?nt]a。 有弹性的;适应力强的
例句 They are the most resilient communities for they a
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