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were to be worked out in all their ramifications at his
leisure; the main point was that Katharine Hilbery would
do; she would do for weeks; perhaps for months。 In taking
her he had provided himself with something the lack
of which had left a bare place in his mind for a considerable
time。 He gave a sigh of satisfaction; his consciousness
of his actual position somewhere in the neighborhood
of Knightsbridge returned to him; and he was soon
speeding in the train towards Highgate。
Although thus supported by the knowledge of his new
possession of considerable value; he was not proof against
the familiar thoughts which the suburban streets and the
damp shrubs growing in front gardens and the absurd
names painted in white upon the gates of those gardens
suggested to him。 His walk was uphill; and his mind dwelt
gloomily upon the house which he approached; where he
would find six or seven brothers and sisters; a widowed
mother; and; probably; some aunt or uncle sitting down
to an unpleasant meal under a very bright light。 Should
he put in force the threat which; two weeks ago; some
such gathering had wrung from him—the terrible threat
that if visitors came on Sunday he should dine alone in
his room? A glance in the direction of Miss Hilbery determined
him to make his stand this very night; and accordingly;
having let himself in; having verified the presence
of Uncle Joseph by means of a bowler hat and a very
large umbrella; he gave his orders to the maid; and went
upstairs to his room。
He went up a great many flights of stairs; and he noticed;
as he had very seldom noticed; how the carpet
became steadily shabbier; until it ceased altogether; how
Night and Day
the walls were discolored; sometimes by cascades of damp;
and sometimes by the outlines of pictureframes since
removed; how the paper flapped loose at the corners;
and a great flake of plaster had fallen from the ceiling。
The room itself was a cheerless one to return to at this
inauspicious hour。 A flattened sofa would; later in the
evening; bee a bed; one of the tables concealed a
washing apparatus; his clothes and boots were disagreeably
mixed with books which bore the gilt of college arms;
and; for decoration; there hung upon the wall photographs
of bridges and cathedrals and large; unprepossessing
groups of insufficiently clothed young men; sitting
in rows one above another upon stone steps。 There
was a look of meanness and shabbiness in the furniture
and curtains; and nowhere any sign of luxury or even of a
cultivated taste; unless the cheap classics in the bookcase
were a sign of an effort in that direction。 The only
object that threw any light upon the character of the
room’s owner was a large perch; placed in the window to
catch the air and sun; upon which a tame and; apparently;
decrepit rook hopped dryly from side to side。 The
bird; encouraged by a scratch behind the ear; settled upon
Denham’s shoulder。 He lit his gasfire and settled down
in gloomy patience to await his dinner。 After sitting thus
for some minutes a small girl popped her head in to say;
“Mother says; aren’t you ing down; Ralph? Uncle
“They’re to bring my dinner up here;” said Ralph; peremptorily;
whereupon she vanished; leaving the door
ajar in her haste to be gone。 After Denham had waited
some minutes; in the course of which neither he nor the
rook took their eyes off the fire; he muttered a curse; ran
downstairs; intercepted the parlormaid; and cut himself
a slice of bread and cold meat。 As he did so; the dining
room door sprang open; a voice exclaimed “Ralph!” but
Ralph paid no attention to the voice; and made off upstairs
with his plate。 He set it down in a chair opposite
him; and ate with a ferocity that was due partly to anger
and partly to hunger。 His mother; then; was determined
not to respect his wishes; he was a person of no importance
in his own family; he was sent for and treated as a
child。 He reflected; with a growing sense of injury; that
Virginia Woolf
almost every one of his actions since opening the door of
his room had been won from the grasp of the family system。
By rights; he should have been sitting downstairs in
the drawingroom describing his afternoon’s adventures;
or listening to the afternoon’s adventures of other people;
the room itself; the gasfire; the armchair—all had been
fought for; the wretched bird; with half its feathers out
and one leg lamed by a cat; had been rescued under protest;
but what his family most resented; he reflected;
was his wish for privacy。 To dine alone; or to sit alone
after dinner; was flat rebellion; to be fought with every
weapon of underhand stealth or of open appeal。 Which
did he dislike most—deception or tears? But; at any rate;
they could not rob him of his thoughts; they could not
make him say where he had been or whom he had seen。
That was his own affair; that; indeed; was a step entirely
in the right direction; and; lighting his pipe; and cutting
up the remains of his meal for the benefit of the rook;
Ralph calmed his rather excessive irritation and settled
down to think over his prospects。
This particular afternoon was a step in the right direc
tion; because it was part of his plan to get to know people
beyond the family circuit; just as it was part of his plan
to learn German this autumn; and to review legal books
for Mr。 Hilbery’s “Critical Review。” He had always made
plans since he was a small boy; for poverty; and the fact
that he was the eldest son of a large family; had given
him the habit of thinking of spring and summer; autumn
and winter; as so many stages in a prolonged campaign。
Although he was still under thirty; this forecasting habit
had marked two semicircular lines above his eyebrows;
which threatened; at this moment; to crease into their
wonted shapes。 But instead of settling down to think; he
rose; took a small piece of cardboard marked in large
letters with the word out; and hung it upon the handle of
his door。 This done; he sharpened a pencil; lit a reading
lamp and opened his book。 But still he hesitated to take
his seat。 He scratched the rook; he walked to the window;
he parted the curtains; and looked down upon the
city which lay; hazily luminous; beneath him。 He looked
across the vapors in the direction of Chelsea; looked fixedly
for a moment; and then returned to his chair。 But
Night and Day
the whole thickness of some learned counsel’s treatise
upon Torts did not screen him satisfactorily。 Through the
pages he saw a drawingroom; very empty and spacious;
he heard low voices; he saw women’s figures; he could
even smell the scent of the cedar log which flamed in the
grate。 His mind relaxed its tension; and seemed to be
giving out now what it had taken in unconsciously at the
time。 He could remember Mr。 Fortescue’s exact words; and
the rolling emphasis with which he delivered them; and
he began to repeat what Mr。 Fortescue had said; in Mr。
Fortescue’s own manner; about Manchester。 His mind then
began to wander about the house; and he wondered
whether there were other rooms like the drawingroom;
and he thought; inconsequently; how beautiful the bathroom
must be; and how leisurely it was—the life of these
wellkept people; who were; no doubt; still sitting in the
same room; only they had changed their clothes; and
little Mr。 Anning was there; and the aunt who would mind
if the glass of her father’s picture was broken。 Miss Hilbery
had changed her dress (“although she’s wearing such a
pretty one;” he heard her mother say); and she was talk
ing to Mr。 Anning; who was well over forty; and bald into
the bargain; about books。 How peaceful and spacious it
was; and the peace possessed him so pletely that his
muscles slackened; his book drooped from his hand; and
he forgot that the hour of work was wasting minute by
He was roused by a creak upon the stair。 With a guilty
start he posed himself; frowned and looked intently at
the fiftysixth page of his volume。 A step paused outside
his door; and he knew that the person; whoever it might
be; was considering the placard; and debating whether to
honor its decree or not。 Certainly; policy advised him to sit
still in autocratic silence; for no custom can take root in a
family unless every breach of it is punished severely for
the first six months or so。 But Ralph was conscious of a
distinct wish to be interrupted; and his disappointment
was perceptible when he heard the creaking sound rather
farther down the stairs; as if his visitor had decided to
withdraw。 He rose; opened the door with unnecessary
abruptness; and waited on the landing。 The person stopped
simultaneously half a flight downstairs。
Virginia Woolf
“Ralph?” said a voice; inquiringly。
“I was ing up; but I saw your notice。”
“Well; e along in; then。” He concealed his desire
beneath a tone as grudging as he could make it。
Joan came in; but she was careful to show; by standing
upright with one hand upon the mantelpiece; that she
was only there for a definite purpose; which discharged;
she would go。
She was older than Ralph by some three or four years。
Her face was round but worn; and expressed that tolerant
but anxious good humor which is the special attribute of
elder sisters in large families。 Her pleasant brown eyes
resembled Ralph’s; save in expression; for whereas he
seemed to look straightly and keenly at one object; she
appeared to be in the habit of considering everything
from many different points of view。 This made her appear
his elder by more years than existed in fact between them。
Her gaze rested for a moment or two upon the rook。 She
then said; without any preface:
“It’s about Charles and Uncle John’s offer… 。 Mother’s
been talking to me。 She says she can’t afford to pay for
him after this term。 She says she’ll have to ask for an
overdraft as it is。”
“That’s simply not true;” said Ralph。
“No。 I thought not。 But she won’t believe me when I
say it。”
Ralph; as if he could foresee the length of this familiar
argument; drew up a chair for his sister and sat down
“I’m not interrupting?” she inquired。
Ralph shook his head; and for a time they sat silent。
The lines curved themselves in semicircles above their
“She doesn’t understand that one’s got to take risks;”
he observed; finally。
“I believe mother would take risks if she knew that
Charles was the sort of boy to profit by it。”
“He’s got brains; hasn’t he?” said Ralph。 His tone had
taken on that shade of pugnacity which suggested to his
sister that some personal grievance drove him to take
the line he did。 She wondered what it might be; but at
Night and Day
once recalled her mind; and assented。
“In some ways he’s fearfully backward; though; pared
with what you were at his age。 And he’s difficult at
home; too。 He makes Molly slave for him。”
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